Be A Part of the SC Community

2024 Sponsor Opportunities

As a pillar of the Indiana community for more than 53 years, IBE encourages and empowers individuals through education, events, and hands-on initiatives. With your support, Summer Celebration, and activations within it, help to power many initiatives in our Indiana communities.

Benefits of Being a Summer Celebration Sponsor

Check out the Sponsorship Guide for a breakdown of sponsor opportunities by event.


Drive Positive Change

Being a sponsor supports IBE initiatives that advance opportunities for the underserved in Indiana


Build Brand Awareness

Put your brand and business in front a diverse audience of consumers and fellow business leaders


Be Part of the Community

Show that you are more than just a business, that you are an active participant in the community

Ready to Get Started or Have Questions?

If you have questions on becoming a sponsor or other parts of Summer Celebration, use the form below and we will be in touch soon.