Indoor Food Vendor Application
2024 Exhibit Hall - Open June 28th-30th
Apply to be a food vendor during the 2024 Indiana Black Expo (IBE) Summer Celebration, inside the Indiana Convention Center. All applicants MUST include a food menu and food prices with their application. IBE will select and notify food vendors by Friday, April 19, 2024. Due to space limitations and to offer attendees a variety of food items and affordable food prices, IBE will be selective in approving food vendor applications. This application does not guarantee your participation in the Food Hall.
Food Booth Options:
Corner (20’x20′) - $2,000
Standard (20'x20') - $1,900

Deadlines and Regulations
IBE will select and notify food vendors by Friday, April 19th. Please read all Summer Celebration Rules & Regulations.
DO NOT send payment prior to notification of your selection. Payment in the form of a credit card, cash, or a cashier’s check is due by April 29, 2024.
All food vendors must submit to IBE the completed application and a list of food options that will be served in their booth with a price list. The food and price list must be approved by IBE.
All Vendors will be required to offer $5 meal options for designated IBE volunteers and staff, paid to vendor by IBE.
No propane gas allowed.
Food prices must be the SAME on event day as the approved price list. Food prices must be listed and visible or the exhibitor will be subject to eviction from the exhibit hall.
Evicted food vendors can be permanently barred from future IBE events.
In the event that my company is selected to serve as a food vendor during Summer Celebration, I will abide by the rules and regulations stated above.
IBE reserves the right to assign booth locations and accept or reject any application. This application is a bidding agreement and signifies my agreement to the above rules and regulations.
The full Terms and Conditions can be viewed below. Please print a copy for your records.
Food Vendor Application
The 2024 Exhibition Hall will be open June 28th-30th